Care Banking

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My Care Bank Supporting Coordinated End of Life Care

Approximately half a million people in England die each year, and whilst three quarters of those deaths are expected, around 53% take place in hospital, despite this being the least preferred location for patients. With the number of patients with long term conditions increasing, more and more patients will require coordinated end of life care as they approach their last years, months and days of life.

Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) allow individuals to commission and plan for their own care across sectors and pathways. For patients receiving End of Life care this means taking control and ensuring preferences are considered.

My Care Bank is an innovative solution that has been developed to support delivery of Personalised Commissioning. Once an individual’s needs are assessed, the online tool allocates a budget and allows individuals plan their own care. Flexibility and choice are increased through inclusion of a range of providers, from therapy services and community equipment, to non-traditional support services, such as advocacy and spiritual care.